Incredible NFT Market & Digital Shop!

We designed Cryptoki so you can have everything you need to build your own NFT market or digital shop. From several versions of products and bids, product views, profiles, contact, complete profile pages, item pages and much more!
Working Contact
Fully Functional Maichimp Subscribe Forms
Great Lighthouse
Modern and
Light Code
No jQuery
Easily Change Colors Sitewide (CSS Variables)
Dark and
Light Themes!
SVG Icons

2 Versions, Each with Dedicated Pages and Widgets Designs

Each version has different elements and pages depending on what the version needs. For example, the NFT version has item boxes and pages designed to show with bid countdowns, creator, last placed bid and more! The market version has item ratings, a different product page and more profile pages with sales statement, dashboard, payouts and others.

4 Different Item Boxes Versions for both NFT & Market Demos!

So you can choose the one that you like the most or the one that fits your needs, we designed 4 different item boxes for each demo. You can show bigger boxes, smaller ones, or other ones showcasing different layouts or data.

Complete Product & Profile Pages + Sellers Boxes

Each version has dedicated item and profile pages depending on the demo needs. For example, the NFT pages have different item views + space for cuttent bid, edition, bids log and more! The market one has a sidebar for the item and author’s info, with sales, rating and more!.
NFT Demo Pages
NFT Homepage
NFT Explore Artworks
NFT Explore Artworks V2
NFT Item Versions
NFT Creators
NFT Collectors
NFT Spotlight
NFT Product V1
NFT Product V2
NFT Product V3
NFT Blog Grid
NFT Blog Classic
NFT Blog Post Centered
NFT Blog Post Sidebar
NFT Become a Creator
NFT Contact Us
NFT Login
NFT Register
NFT Profile Page
NFT Profile About
NFT Activity
NFT Connect a Wallet
NFT Profile Info
NFT Notifications
NFT Upload Artwork
NFT Shopping Cart
NFT Checkout
Digital Demo Pages
Market Homepage
Market Explore
Market Item Versions
Market Sellers
Market Shop Category
Market Product Page
Market Profile Page
Market Shopping Cart
Market Checkout
Market Notifications
Market Profile Info
Market Dashboard
Market Sales Statement
Market Upload Item
Market Manage Items
Market Payouts
Market Purchases
Market Blog Grid
Market Blog Classic
Market Blog Post Centered
Market Blog Post Sidebar
Market FAQ
Market Become a Seller
Market Contact Us
Market Login
Market Register